Our German Manufacturer developed the first cartridge system that offers our customers absolute safety with regard to sterility. They integrated the needle and the needle cap into a disposable cartridge , by securely sealing it at the end with a membrane, we created a new form of protection against contamination for the handpiece. The risk of contaminated liquid or air flows is now eliminated PrecisionFine hairlines, Single Lines.
These needles fit the Precision Plus and Nano machines
A sloped configuration of 3 needles offering the perfect brow stroke tool. The needles are manufactured to ensure that they all hit the skin at the same depth. Think of how a new lipstick looks. It is shaped to follow the contour of the lip. The same principle has been used here. These needles are great for eyeliner since they will follow the curve of the eye. Similarly for hairstroke brows you can implant at the same depth without having to develop a separate technique. Book onto a workshop to discover how these needles can change your methods and improve your results